יום ראשון, 11 במאי 2014

Using Jetty and Camel

I wants to switch from Tomcat to jetty in my Camel CFXRS sample .
The first stage is a basic test of the combination of Jetty and Camel.
Add to the pom:

Note: All the Camel compoenents version must match otherwise linkage between components problems may raise.
Add a very simple Route :

   public void configure() {
        from("jetty:http://localhost:8080/SayHello").process(new ReplaySimpleHtml());

The request – replay processor:

public class ReplaySimpleHtml implements Processor {
    public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
        // just get the body as a string
        String body = exchange.getIn().getBody(String.class);
        // we have access to the HttpServletRequest here and we can grab it if we need it
        HttpServletRequest req = exchange.getIn().getBody(HttpServletRequest.class);
        // send a html response
        exchange.getOut().setBody("<html><body><H3>Hello Mazal Saadon</H3></body></html>");

Executing the sample result:


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