יום שני, 10 ביוני 2013

Simple ROR

I wanted to implement my operators web site using ror.(Ruby on rails)
I have follow the following guides in order to create the Skelton for the website:
Currently just for the beginning I use SQllite3

Create the web site: rails new operators
Create afirst  controller :
rails generate controller home index
Start the rails web server :railes server
Removed the default Index page :rm public/index.html
Update the default navigation to my new controller :

  1: Operator::Application.routes.draw do
  2: root :to => "home#index"

The code for the controller
The controller found in: \operators\app\controllers\application_controller.rb

  1: class Operator
  2: def initialize()
  3:   @mName = "-"
  4: end
  5: def Name
  6:   @mName
  7: end 
  8: def Name=(pValue)
  9:   @mName = pValue
 10: end 
 12: end 
 13: class HomeController < ApplicationController
 14:   def index
 15:   @theOperator = Operator.new 
 16:   @theOperator.Name = 'Zvika'
 17:   end
 18: end

The view :
Found in \operators\app\views\home\index.html.erb

<h1>Operators </h1>
<p>Operator: <%= @theOperator.Name %></p>

Navigate to the default home page:http://localhost:3000/

The Result:

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