יום שני, 21 באפריל 2014

Compiling the Linux Kernel

Before compiling the Linux kernel install ncurses
sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev
2.change current directory to /usr/src
and Check your current linux kernel version
$ uname -r
3.Get the sources according to your version :
sudo apt-get install <Your version according to the uname command >
4.Set the default user to be the Root
sudo /bin/bash
5.Copy The current configuration to the /usr/src directory
cp /boot/config-<Your current version try ls it> /usr/src/linux/.config
6.Build the Menu config
make menuconfig
7.Load the config that has been copied in stage 5 do not change anything watch explanation of rows by using the ?
8.Compile the Kernel (take along time )
9.Compile the modules
make modules
10.Install the modules
make modules_install
11.Install the kernel
make install
12.Reboot the machine
13.Hop that every think is ok loging and check the new kernel version
$ uname -r

Links and references


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