יום חמישי, 17 באפריל 2014

Running camel-example-cxf-tomcat

1.Install the last Tomcat server change the credentials in the tomcat-users.xml file to :

  <role rolename="manager"/>
  <role rolename="manager-gui"/>
  <role rolename="manager-script"/>
  <role rolename="manager-jmx"/>
  <role rolename="manager-status"/>
  <role rolename="admin-gui"/>
  <role rolename="admin-script"/>
  <user username="admin" password="admin" roles="admin ,manager ,manager-gui, manager-script, manager-jmx, manager-status, admin-gui, admin-script"/>

2.Add in the maven configuration file (H:\Program Files\NetBeans 8.0\java\maven\conf\settings.xml) in the servers section the following xml


3.Change in the pom  file the name of the server to :
4.Run the tomcat server
5.Execute the tomcat:: deploy goal
(After the first deployment we can use the "tomcat:undeploy", "tomcat:redeploy" goals )


6.Check that the deployment succeeded in the http://localhost:8080/manager
7.Lets Test is with SoapUI
Note : the Wsdl location is :

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