יום שלישי, 29 באפריל 2014

benchmark VM host scheduling


Our benchmark system is based on a private cloud that is managed by OpenStack framework.
For each benchmark execution session a new VM is created form an Image that include the benchmark tools .
The VM should be schedule to be host on a machine that the maximum remaining work of other running instances of vm that are executing on this machine is the less from all other machines.
Apsedo code for host selection scoring:

Int MaxWork
Foreach ( Vm nextVM in Host.GetVms())
       If ( MaxWork < nextVM.RemaingingWork )               
                   MaxWork = nextVM.RemaingingWork
Return MaxWork


The goal :
Setting the custom weights in our private cloud.
In the Nova  configuration file.

Note:The filter can be one of the build in filters

The following tasks should be consider during the solution architecture:
1.How can I get all host vm references ?
2.How can I send a vm remaining time to the nova weight component  ?
3.how can I write a custom weight component  ?
4.how can I consider other instances that executes other jobs then benchmarks in the weight calculation?


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