יום שבת, 25 במאי 2013

Accessing HDFS

Copying file from and to HDFS

In order to copy a file from the local file system to HDFS we can use the FS  command: copyFromLocal

For an example:

  1: % hadoop fs -copyFromLocal LabsVideos/Videos/VideoSample164.mpeg hdfs://VideosDataNode1/user/Lab1/VideoSample164.mpeg

In order  to copy a file from the HDFS to local directory we can use the FS command :copyToLocal

For an example :

  1: % hadoop fs -copyToLocal LabsVideos/BenchMarksResutls/Results080513.xls hdsf://DataResultsNode/user/Lab1/Results080513.xls

Accessing HDFS  by code

The HDFS can be accessed an manipulate by several way :
1.Java interface 
The new api  :abstract file system and  File context  allow easy interface to access files  in all notes in the cluster .
The main class  in the new api is  the  context   class 
An example  of the new api usage :

  1: FileContext myFContext = FileContext.getFileContext(); // uses the default config the default FS
  2: //Set the working directory to other data node 
  3: myFContext.setWorkingDir("hdsf://NotLocalDataResultsNode/user/Lab1/VideosList");
  4: //Opens an FSDataInputStream at the indicated Path.
  5:  FSDataInputStream theFSDataInputStream = myFContext.open ("VideoSample2");
  6:  //Read from the FSDataInputStream
  7:  byte[] Databuffer = new byte[1000];
  8:  theFSDataInputStream.read (0 ,Databuffer, 0 , 1000);
 10:  //Use the theFSDataInputStream
 12:  theFSDataInputStream.close(); 
 14: //Create new directory 
 15: myFContext.create("NewVideoSamplesDir");

The namespace for the  FileContext  interface  is:  org.apache.hadoop.fs  .Documentation  about the FileContext interface can be found here.

2.Accessing HDFS using C  LibHDFS library . Documentation can be found  here

3.Accessing HDFS  using http calls .

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