יום חמישי, 6 ביוני 2013

Camel Bean method invocation

In order to use camel to invoke method of a service like in WCF we can use camel methods bean invocations.
Construct a bean with methods :
For an example :

  1: package org.apache.camel.example.console;
  3: public class myService {
  4:   public void  SayHello (String pMsg)
  5:   {
  7:     System.out.print( "Hello:" + pMsg);
  8:   }
  9:   public void  SayGoodBy (String pMsg)
 10:   {
 11:     System.out.print("Goodby:" + pMsg);
 12:   }
 14: }

The camel route:

  1:   CamelContext context = new DefaultCamelContext();  
  2:       context.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() {
  3:         public void configure() {
  4:           from("stream:in?promptMessage=Enter something please :").
  5:             bean(myService.class, "SayHello");

  The SayHello method will be invoked.

selecting the bean method using an header.

  1: CamelContext context = new DefaultCamelContext();  
  2:       context.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() {
  3:         public void configure() {
  4:           from("stream:in?promptMessage=Enter something please :").
  5:           setHeader("CamelBeanMethodName", constant("SayGoodBy")).
  6:             bean(myService.class);

And the Result is invoking the SayGoodBy method:

Enter something please :This is a test
Goodby:This is a test

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